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The Angelic P​roclamation           To Pray Without Ceasing

(  Something to consider deeply !  )

( Speak these words every day before you get out of bed in the morning & before you close your eyes at night ! )

How shall man in this day restored be?

Let it be by the Word of God.

Let it be by His kingdom, by His power, to His glory.

Let no human desire remain.

Let no human doctrine be kept, or belief sustained.

Let all human religions and temporal systems

pass from the earth,

leaving only God revealed in man restored.

This is the Word of God spoken this day

by His angels in agreement on earth:

Glory to God in the highest!


Martin Cecil

Whatever arises, let me dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

Let there be a place of stillness in the midst of turmoil.

Let there be a place of ease amid disease.

Let there be a place of order in the chaos.

Let there be a place of love and beauty in the midst of fear and ugliness.

Let my presence be a beacon of enfolding radiance in every circumstance.

Lord Exeter

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